Christmas Dinner in the Oven eCard

Christmas Dinner in…

This Christmas e-card starts off with a picture of an Oven with Sanata stuffed…

4 votes
Late Santa eCard

Late Santa

This Christmas e-card starts off with a view of a living room fireplace and…

4 votes
Forgetful Santa eCard

Forgetful Santa

The scene of this Christmas e-card starts off with a black background and you…

4 votes
Laughing Hyena eCard

Laughing Hyena

This mothers day e-card starts off with a picture of a Hyena and text appears…

5 votes
Worlds Biggest Bum eCard

Worlds Biggest Bum

A funny eCard which shows a space look at earth with the text 'Behold!' above…

Christmas Stockings eCard

Christmas Stockings

This eCard shows a woman wearing a christmas outfit asking for help 'filling…

3 votes
Thank You eCard

Thank You

This funny interactive eCard is perfect for sending to your mates in this animation…

5 votes
Thanksgiving Fart eCard

Thanksgiving Fart

A funny and melodical eCard which depicts a family sitting around at the dinner…

Sex Kitten eCard

Sex Kitten

This eCard shows a cute little kitten standing up on the floor, text gradually…

Sensitive Tilly eCard

Sensitive Tilly

This funny but rude eCard shows Tilly, a rather large and masculine Women,…

Pissy Knickers eCard

Pissy Knickers

This rude but funny ecard shows a lady standing outside next to a wall. The…

4 votes
Pantless Santa  eCard

Pantless Santa

This rude but funny Christmas eCard is perfect for sending to your friends…

Old Man Birthday Cake eCard

Old Man Birthday Cake

This eCard shows a typical birthday cake with text flashign above it which…

3 votes
Nasty Dog - Pillow eCard

Nasty Dog - Pillow

This classic Nasty Dog eCard shows the truth of how Stinky Pillow's came to…

5 votes
Nasty Dog - Scratching eCard

Nasty Dog - Scratching

A funny Nasty Dog eCard which starts off with 'Man's Bestfriend' written at…

Nasty Dog - Promise eCard

Nasty Dog - Promise

This hilarious eCard shows Nasty Dog trying his hardest not to mount his owners…

Nasty Dog - New Year eCard

Nasty Dog - New Year

This quick and rude eCard show's a calendar being mistreated by Nasty Dog.…

Nasty Dog - Lick eCard

Nasty Dog - Lick

This rude eCard show's Nasty dog licking himself in an unfortunate place and…

Nasty Dog - Halloween eCard

Nasty Dog - Halloween

A Halloween message from Nasty Dog himself! The eCard shows a pumpkin with…

Nasty Dog - Castration eCard

Nasty Dog - Castration

A funny Nasty Dog eCard which shows Nasty Dog's owner getting fed up with his…

Nasty Dog - Bus Stop eCard

Nasty Dog - Bus Stop

A funny Nasty Dog eCard which shows Nasty Dog harassing an old man at a bus…


Nikitha Jo Philip Sent Happy Baaaaathday

1 minute ago

Paul Mc Cormick Sent Have a Reggae Birthday

50 minutes ago

Iona Macmillan Sent Birthday Cake

15 minutes ago

Iona Macmillan Sent Birthday Cake

15 minutes ago

Iona Macmillan Sent Birthday Cake

16 minutes ago