Chick Christmas eCard

Chick Christmas

A purple and red chequered present sits in the middle of the animation until…

Bunny Game eCard

Bunny Game

This intercative game card is perfect for a fun time on your birthday, its…

Brand New Day eCard

Brand New Day

This eCard starts off with a very sad man thinking about all the depressing…

2 votes
Libra Boy eCard

Libra Boy

This eCard is all about the libra star sign, three fact pop up in text at the…

Love You Leo Girl eCard

Love You Leo Girl

This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…

1 votes
Love You Leo Boy eCard

Love You Leo Boy

This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…

Forgot Birthday eCard

Forgot Birthday

This small eCard is perfect for saying sorry to your friends if you've forgot…

1 votes
Angelfish  eCard


This card has a weird feel but a humorous feel. Two penguins place a fish with…

Aquarius Girl eCard

Aquarius Girl

This card decribes the aquarius star sign each description pop up one by one…

Aries Boy eCard

Aries Boy

This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…

Aries Girl Facts eCard

Aries Girl Facts

This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…

Cancer Girl Facts eCard

Cancer Girl Facts

This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pop up one by one…

Cancer Boy eCard

Cancer Boy

This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pop up one by one…

Capricorn Boy Facts eCard

Capricorn Boy Facts

This card is perfect for the girl asking out a male capricorn, this card also…

Capricorn Girl eCard

Capricorn Girl

This card gives a description of the capricorn star sign, each description…

Men are like Cards eCard

Men are like Cards

This card describes men as a pack of cards "you need a heart to love them"…

1 votes
Hairy Girlfriend eCard

Hairy Girlfriend

A hilariously funny eCard which depicts a man singing away about how much he…

1 votes
Happy Birthday Gran eCard

Happy Birthday Gran

This perfect birthday card for granny is funny because the little worn down…

Gobbler eCard


This christmas eCard is humorous and perfect card for lighting the mood, sending…

2 votes
Get Well Soon Sneeze eCard

Get Well Soon Sneeze

This eCard is about a little monster thats extremely ill and wont stop sneezing,…

Gemini Girl Facts eCard

Gemini Girl Facts

This eCard gives three facts about the gemini star sign but at the same time…


Joe Burns Sent Happy Baaaaathday

1 minute ago

Gnessa Abenson Sent Blooming Birthday

24 minutes ago

Gnessa Abenson Sent Blooming Birthday

24 minutes ago

Sam Stewart Sent Drunk Santa

28 minutes ago

Sam Stewart Sent Beautiful Xmas Scene

33 minutes ago