In this nice sorry e Card, a balloon shaped like the letter U floats around…
In this Sorry e-card, a cat sits in the middle of the screen, bored. After…
This funny eCard begins with text that reads "How many republicans does it…
This is a funny political e-Card in which Obama is stood at the top of a very…
In this funny ecard a small purple blob falls from a tree. and an arrow labeled…
This is a funny sorry ecard in which a donkey is standing beside a blackboard…
In this sweet e card a girl is walking her dog through the park. She walks…
This is a sweet romantic ecard in which a couple are playing in the leaves…
In this very romantic e-Card a couple are sat as silhouettes under a starry…
This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in the…
This is a sweet little friendship ecard that begins with two people either…
In this sweet wedding anniversary e Card A Man and wife are standing outside…
This is a funny ecard that begins with a message saying "The milk tray man…
This funny eCard begins with a message saying "The best way to remember your…
In this short eCard a man is hoovering in the lounge with his wife on the sofa,…
In this eCard a couple are standing and the woman has a baby in her arms. A…
In this Anniversary e-card a couple are getting married in a church, the wedding…
In this Great Ecard you see the top halves of a couple who are holding hands.…
This funny ecard shows a normal couple sitting very relaxed and comfortable…
In this funny ecard you see a red car which appears to be moving very fast.…
In this funny ecard you see to tired looking parents that are being pulled…
Alexander Wan Sent Birthday Beer
Rita Monteiro Sent Birthday Frog Song