Funny Fathers day eCard

Funny Fathers day

In this Funny Fathers Day ecard A guy is looking troubled, he is on the phone.…

18 votes
I Love You (From Girl) eCard

I Love You (From Girl)

This ecard begins with a girl looking rather ill. She says "I'm not feeling…

31 votes
I Love You  (From Boy) eCard

I Love You (From Boy)

This ecard begins with a guy looking rather ill. He says "I'm not feeling very…

19 votes
Big Supersized Hug eCard

Big Supersized Hug

In this e-card you see a burger sign with a box of chips next to it. A large…

13 votes
Huge Dinosaur Hug eCard

Huge Dinosaur Hug

In this great e-card you see a city landscape and hear people screaming. The…

14 votes
Big Doggy Hug eCard

Big Doggy Hug

In this great e-card, a dog standing in the middle of the screen, blows up…

32 votes
Girl hug eCard

Girl hug

In this short interactive eCard a love heart falls into the center of the screen,…

29 votes
Boy hug eCard

Boy hug

In this great ecard a love heart falls from the sky, into the screen. A second…

5 votes
Newcastle zebra eCard

Newcastle zebra

Here's a funny ecard that begins with the camera facing a dry desert sun. The…

22 votes
Hole in the market  eCard

Hole in the market…

This eCard begins with a sign shaped like a dildo, on top of a building saying…

10 votes
The dog eCard

The dog

This joke e card begins with a newspaper hiding someone in an armchair. The…

20 votes
Farting Sharks eCard

Farting Sharks

This joke ecard begins with a diver in the background of an underwater scene,…

30 votes
Give it to me straight eCard

Give it to me straight

This is a funny joke e card that begins with an alcoholic shaking, standing…

21 votes
Hard Hat eCard

Hard Hat

This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a builder standing on a construction…

6 votes
Field work eCard

Field work

This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a scientist professor working…

8 votes
Fish questions eCard

Fish questions

This is a great little joke ecard based around a play on words. It begins with…

13 votes
Coarse fishing eCard

Coarse fishing

This is great e-card that begins with a man, fishing by the river. He has his…

11 votes
Ass on the line eCard

Ass on the line

In this great little ecard, one man is repeatedly poking another man on the…

20 votes
Teddy bear hug eCard

Teddy bear hug

This is a brilliant interactive ecard that begins with a brown box siting on…

136 votes
Sunflower friend eCard

Sunflower friend

This is a really great friendship ecard to tell an old friend how much they…

13 votes
Bear hug eCard

Bear hug

This is a great friendship eCard in which a bear packs himself into a cardboard…

35 votes

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