Take a Break! eCard

Take a Break!

Someone in your office looking a bit frustrated, are they constantly consuming…

4 votes
Quit smoking eCard

Quit smoking

A positive ecard encouraging those out there who have given up smoking to be…

4 votes
Smoke you Out! eCard

Smoke you Out!

An ecard which cleverly and without being too gruesome is able to put across…

1 votes
The Last Cigarette eCard

The Last Cigarette

This e-card starts with an extreme close-up of a very unidentifiable source…

3 votes
Amazing Effects eCard

Amazing Effects

Set to music reminiscent of that from the old fashioned Country and Western…

7 votes
Have Mercy on Me! eCard

Have Mercy on Me!

A humorous e card looking to make smokers laugh at themselves due to how their…

1 votes
Stamp it Out!! eCard

Stamp it Out!!

We all know the effects and we all know that if you want to live longer we…

3 votes
Anti Smoking Day eCard

Anti Smoking Day

According to this e-card there are three ways in which we can keep our Heart…

0 votes
Thanks for Swinging By! eCard

Thanks for Swinging…

Tarzan and Jane re-visited in this e-card which ends with a sweet heart-felt…

0 votes
You Make me Glow! eCard

You Make me Glow!

This sweet e card is one for either Males or Females to send out to their partners…

0 votes
Afraid of being Myself - Daughter eCard

Afraid of being Myself…

An e-card to show a person’s real feelings for their Mother on her special…

0 votes
A Huge Hug From your Daughter eCard

A Huge Hug From your…

This e-card is for the more travelled of you who sadly can’t be at home for…

5 votes
A Huge Hug From your Son eCard

A Huge Hug From your…

This e-card is for the more travelled of you who sadly can’t be at home for…

0 votes
Disco Mum eCard

Disco Mum

An e-card maybe for the more mature child who wants to put a smile on their…

0 votes
If Mums Were Flowers eCard

If Mums Were Flowers

Opening with a close up of an extremely innocent looking and young face, supported…

39 votes
Your Biggest Fan eCard

Your Biggest Fan

From the start of this e-card it is unsure exactly what the meaning behind…

17 votes
Afraid of Being Myself -Son eCard

Afraid of Being Myself…

An e-card to show a persons real feelings for their Mother on her special day.…

0 votes
Mothers Day - Son eCard

Mothers Day - Son

This very true e-card shows the antics of your modern day teenage son, what…

0 votes
Kiss Your Mate Day eCard

Kiss Your Mate Day

This sweet e-card starts with an underwater scene with a little jellyfish casually…

0 votes
Kiss your Mate Day 2 eCard

Kiss your Mate Day…

This fun e-card shows a large female dragon with a small male dragon clinging…

Hang In There Little Guy eCard

Hang In There Little…

This uplifting e-card shows a poor little frog extremely sad and low and close…

20 votes

Ulrike Chouguley Sent Blooming Birthday

12 minutes ago

Ulrike Chouguley Sent Blooming Birthday

12 minutes ago

Lee-Anne Wedgwood Sent My Mum

23 minutes ago

Ann Bellotti Sent Happy Baaaaathday

7 minutes ago

Judith Pooley Sent Birthday Frog Song

11 minutes ago