In this e-card you see a burger sign with a box of chips next to it. A large…
In this great e-card you see a city landscape and hear people screaming. The…
In this great e-card, a dog standing in the middle of the screen, blows up…
In this short interactive eCard a love heart falls into the center of the screen,…
In this great ecard a love heart falls from the sky, into the screen. A second…
Here's a funny ecard that begins with the camera facing a dry desert sun. The…
This eCard begins with a sign shaped like a dildo, on top of a building saying…
This joke e card begins with a newspaper hiding someone in an armchair. The…
This joke ecard begins with a diver in the background of an underwater scene,…
This is a funny joke e card that begins with an alcoholic shaking, standing…
This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a builder standing on a construction…
This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a scientist professor working…
This is a great little joke ecard based around a play on words. It begins with…
This is great e-card that begins with a man, fishing by the river. He has his…
In this great little ecard, one man is repeatedly poking another man on the…
This is a brilliant interactive ecard that begins with a brown box siting on…
This is a really great friendship ecard to tell an old friend how much they…
This is a great friendship eCard in which a bear packs himself into a cardboard…
In this Funny Ecard A bear stands in the center of the screen. It picks its…
This e-Card starts off with a parrot swinging through the screen, sitting in…
This is a funny, very sweet Valentine's e-Card that begins with a green caterpillar…
Phil Jones Sent Bake a Cake
John Lally Sent Sorry Plum
John Lally Sent Let U down