This small b-day animation of a little blue monster that you may have seen…
This small true animation is amazing because we all hate going to work or school…
This whole animation gives you the wrong feeling until death starts dancing…
This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…
This eCard shows God in the household, trying to juggle all his chores. Text…
This awesome eCard is perfect for anyones birthday, those two cool diva looking…
This small animation of a fat guy with a really small cake looking forward…
This eCard starts off with a very sad man thinking about all the depressing…
This card is a card with an excuse why your not thinking straight "Sorry my…
In this eCard, a cute little teddy bear places down an orange present and startles…
This card is an interactive animation, it's by far the best happy birthday…
This bad boy b-day card is showing a small animation of a semi naked male with…
'Happy Independence day' is depcted in this card after a young boy, lights…
This eCard is all about the libra star sign, three fact pop up in text at the…
This small eCard is perfect for saying sorry to your friends if you've forgot…
This card decribes the aquarius star sign each description pop up one by one…
This Card has a description of the aquarius star sign that pop up one by one…
This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…
Amanda S Sent Bake a Cake
Sarah Millar Sent Happy Baaaaathday
Pauline & Andy Messer Sent Blooming Birthday