Good Luck Dare Devil eCard

Good Luck Dare Devil

This is one of my favourite e-cards and it starts off with a funny little bloke.…

7 votes
Cupids Arrow eCard

Cupids Arrow

This interactive Valentines Day ecard starts off with a cupid sitting on a…

25 votes
Love Oaf eCard

Love Oaf

The user sees a close up of a small flower at the beginning of this Valentines…

6 votes
Gorilla Love eCard

Gorilla Love

This e-card scene starts off with a park and zoo gate and then a gorilla in…

14 votes
Love Balloon eCard

Love Balloon

This is a great interactive romantic e-card. The scene starts with a bloke…

80 votes
Happy New Year! eCard

Happy New Year!

This New Years eve e-card starts off with two people having dinner and they…

20 votes
New Year Fireworks eCard

New Year Fireworks

This New Years Eve ecard starts off with a scene of the Paris sky line and…

0 votes
Xmas Mix up eCard

Xmas Mix up

This is a bit of a rude Christmas e-card, it starts off with a living room…

5 votes
Squash Santa eCard

Squash Santa

This Christmas e card starts off with Santa on a sleigh being pulled by a rocket…

35 votes
Valentine Fatman eCard

Valentine Fatman

This interactive Valentines Day e-card starts off with a fat bloke lying on…

19 votes
We R Engaged! eCard

We R Engaged!

The e-card starts off with a rear angle of a couple holding hands on a beach…

14 votes
Striking Deer eCard

Striking Deer

This Christmas ecard starts with Santa in his Sleigh and he is flying along…

22 votes
Sorry Elephant eCard

Sorry Elephant

The first time I saw this card I actually laughed out loud! This sorry e-card…

8 votes
Belated Birthday Sheep eCard

Belated Birthday Sheep

This of all the cards is my favourite Birthday e-card and it is also interactive.…

116 votes
New Baby Faint eCard

New Baby Faint

This congratulations on your new baby e-card commences with a view of a doctor…

9 votes
Santas Revenge eCard

Santas Revenge

This interactive Christmas e-card starts off with a nice snowy house in the…

56 votes
Santa Training eCard

Santa Training

This Christmas e card starts off showing a calendar and a bit of a weedy looking…

22 votes
Birthday Party eCard

Birthday Party

This birthday invitation e-card starts off with a mouse standing looking at…

9 votes
Saucy Mistletoe Kiss eCard

Saucy Mistletoe Kiss

This Christmas e-card was specifically designed for women to send to men. It…

24 votes
Jingle Bells (Rude) eCard

Jingle Bells (Rude)

This is a very rude e-card - it starts off with a beautiful girl in a Santa…

239 votes
Girls Night Out eCard

Girls Night Out

This girl’s night out invitation e-card starts off with 3 girls being picked…

11 votes

Adrian Lam Sent Crossmouse

2 minutes ago

Geoff J Sent Christmas Click

18 minutes ago

Geoff J Sent Christmas Click

18 minutes ago

Paul Sousek Sent Santa Sled

25 minutes ago

Paul Sousek Sent Santa Sled

27 minutes ago