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Card Description

Funny Fairys Revenge

This Christmas e-card starts off with a little angel who has been stuck to the top of the tree and has the top of it up his bottom. The text above it tells the user that he has been put there because he shagged the fairy and her dad did not like it so he put him there. This is a bit of a crude one but quite a popular Christmas e-card.

christmas, rude, funny, fairy, angel, card, cards, ecard, ecards, e-card, e-cards

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Xmas Missing U eCard

Xmas Missing U

This Christmas e-card starts off with a snowy house - the shot pans in and…

16 votes
C U At Xmas eCard

C U At Xmas

A funny little eCard showig a pair of glasses and two worms. each worm goes…

4 votes
Farting Santa eCard

Farting Santa

This funny Christmas eCard is funny and interactive Click santa once: he farts…

4 votes
Poor Rudolf eCard

Poor Rudolf

This great Xmas ecard starts off by showing a very shameful looking Rudolf!…

15 votes