Card Description

Yes / No Yes (Will Travel)

This starts of with a person far in the distance and they start running towards he camera and as they approach they get bigger and bigger. When he is close enough he stops and says "yes" lots of times. The little guy then turns round and runs into the distance. This e-card is very good as a reply to an invitation.

yes, reply, love too, run, distance, fun, funny, card, cards, ecard, ecards, e-card, e-cards

Stage 1: Choose a sending method


No (Begging) eCard

No (Begging)

This reply e-card starts of with a scene of a person on his knees, hands together…

11 votes
No (Tease) eCard

No (Tease)

This reply e-card starts off with a picture of a fish underwater putting its…

14 votes
No (U Loser) eCard

No (U Loser)

This is a bit of a harsh reply e-card - it starts off with a hand pointing…

13 votes
Yes (Change 4 U) eCard

Yes (Change 4 U)

The scene of this e-card starts off with a person at work and they answer the…

8 votes