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Card Description

Astrological Love Taurus Boy

This small eCard gives three facts about the Taurus starsign and then covers the screen with small fireworks flashes and with a bull with a boy head.

Love, Taurus, I love you, Love you,

Stage 1: Choose a sending method


Pisces Girl Facts eCard

Pisces Girl Facts

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the pisces and then…

1 votes
Love You Leo Girl eCard

Love You Leo Girl

This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…

1 votes
Aquarius Boy eCard

Aquarius Boy

This card decribes the aquarius star sign. each description of the star sign…

1 votes
Virgo Girl Facts eCard

Virgo Girl Facts

This eCard starts with three facts about the Virgo star sign, this card has…
