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Card Description

Easter Russian Egg

This small eCard is all about a little girl that has an easter egg in the form of a Matryoshka doll each egg decreases in size and at the very bottom a small chick pops out an egg and kisses her on the cheek

Russian Egg, Easter, Chick, Egg, Fun, Easter, Happy Easter,

Stage 1: Choose a sending method


Easter Eggs eCard

Easter Eggs

In this animation a bunch of easter eggs pop up from the background covering…

4 votes
Easter Bunny Machine eCard

Easter Bunny Machine

This Easter e-card starts off with seeing a stack of Easter eggs all in boxes…

29 votes
Making an Easter Egg eCard

Making an Easter Egg

This card is very imaginative, perfect for giving to someone at easter, the…

Get me an Easter Egg! eCard

Get me an Easter Egg!

This small animation is of a girl who didn't get an easter egg but her brother…
