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Card Description

St Patricks Day We Go Mad

This small animation of a stereotyipical Irish person, Ginger of course,this animation is perfect for sending to your irish friends or anyone that celabrates St Patrick's Day.

Go Mad, Mad, St.Patricks day, St Patricks day, We Go Mad, Funny, Fun, Joke,

Stage 1: Choose a sending method


St Patricks Day eCard

St Patricks Day

This St Patrick's Day e-card starts off with a top view of a circle of froth…

10 votes
St.Patricks Day eCard

St.Patricks Day

This small eCard of a group of irish people and a snake the snake jumps through…

Pats Irish Eyes eCard

Pats Irish Eyes

This very green eCard shows a little blue bird singing an irish song. Text…
