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Card Description

1987 August 1987

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in the month and year which the recipient of the birthday ecard was born. The first is about Michael Ryan shooting 16 dead, the second is a story about The Legend Of Zelda being released for the NES and Rick Austley had a No1. Then, finaly, a last article drops into the screen. It reads "(Recipients Name) was born today"!

Birthday, interactive, fun, child friendly, Born in 1987, Birthday in 1987, Happy Birthday, michael ryan, zelda, rick austley, card, cards, ecard, ecards, e-card, e-cards

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December 1987 eCard

December 1987

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in the…

1 votes
October 1987 eCard

October 1987

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in the…

2 votes
March 1987 eCard

March 1987

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in March…

1 votes
February 1987 eCard

February 1987

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in February…

1 votes