Boy hug eCard

Boy hug

In this great ecard a love heart falls from the sky, into the screen. A second…

5 votes
Dropping a Line eCard

Dropping a Line

A comical and pleasant e-card about one man and his love of fishing, it also…

9 votes
Keep In Touch! eCard

Keep In Touch!

This Keep In Touch e-card starts off with a man sitting at a table and he starts…

10 votes
Friends are Angels eCard

Friends are Angels

This card has a nice friendly feeling. We see two angels, one female, and one…

2 votes
Big Supersized Hug eCard

Big Supersized Hug

In this e-card you see a burger sign with a box of chips next to it. A large…

13 votes
Take a Break! eCard

Take a Break!

Someone in your office looking a bit frustrated, are they constantly consuming…

4 votes
Getting Old eCard

Getting Old

This e-card is for taking the piss out of your friends. It starts off with…

19 votes
Hang in There eCard

Hang in There

This card starts off with a woman hanging off a cliff screaming her head off…

11 votes
Drop U A Line eCard

Drop U A Line

This e-card starts off with an underwater scene and you see a diver swimming…

7 votes
Bad Day! eCard

Bad Day!

Have you just been having one of “those” days which has started to make…

17 votes
True Friend eCard

True Friend

This small animation of a little red alien trying to find his little grey friend…

All Ears eCard

All Ears

This card has a small animation of a small boy wearing a wooly hat when a rhetorical…

Friends Like You eCard

Friends Like You

This is a cute little card that a group of three little girls get there picture…

Im king of the world eCard

Im king of the world

This hang in there e-card starts off with a man standing at the front of a…

0 votes

Mollie Agnew Sent Huge Dinosaur Hug

2 days ago

Hayley Page Sent Smelly Bear

3 days ago

Hayley Page Sent Friends are Angels

7 days ago

Cameron H Sent Hang In There Little Guy

16 days ago

Loraine Tabbner Sent Hang In There Little Guy

16 days ago

Nothing speaks friendship like sending an eCard to a friend. It’s so quick and easy to do, but will make you a top friend in their eyes. From ‘s extensive range of top quality eCards, you’ll find thousands of great things to send to your friends, letting them know how much you care about them, or simply just making them laugh! Send some via email, Facebook or Twitter instantly completely for free. You never know, they may send you one back!