Congrats on Passing Exam eCard

Congrats on Passing…

This congratulations e-card is for anyone who has recently passed an exam and…

18 votes
Congratulations Work eCard

Congratulations Work

This congratulations ecard starts off with view of a city skyline. You then…

3 votes
Congratulations Paint eCard

Congratulations Paint

The scene of this e-card starts blank and then a spray can which is life-like,…

9 votes
Congratulations on your New Baby! eCard

Congratulations on…

In this funny ecard you see to tired looking parents that are being pulled…

3 votes
Champagne Congratulations eCard

Champagne Congratulations

This congratulations e-card starts off with a man in a tuxedo walking into…

7 votes
Well Done eCard

Well Done

This eCard shows a man sitting at home, knitting whilst watching TV. He then…

Star Trek eCard

Star Trek

This is a funny eCard all about the web and what you find on it. One third…

Get a Job Girl eCard

Get a Job Girl

This small animation is about a little girl that gets good results on her GCSC's…

Get a Job Boy eCard

Get a Job Boy

This small animation is about a little boy that gets good results on his GCSC's…

Dumped Your Man eCard

Dumped Your Man

"Congratulations at last You dumped him" This could be given to your best friend…

Worlds Worst Driver eCard

Worlds Worst Driver

This small animation of The worlds worst driver, this card is perfect for giving…


Han Bruce Sent Congratulations Man

24 minutes ago

Han Bruce Sent Congratulations Man

25 minutes ago

Han Bruce Sent Congratulations Man

25 minutes ago

Judith Goodge Sent Congratulations

9 days ago

Vasudev Ranjit Sent Congratulations Dog

10 days ago

Congratulations ecards are a great way to really say 'Well done!' for someone's efforts and achievements. We've got some great eCards designed for you to say Congratulations for almost any situation, from passing your driving test to getting a new job, from getting some great grades in your exams to having a new baby in the family; you won't be stuck for choice with the great selection at Send a card via email, Facebook or Twitter, absolutely free, to your friends or family and let them know you’re proud of them!