Xmas Cracker eCard

Xmas Cracker

This Christmas e card starts off with a reign deer and Santa at either ends…

85 votes
Christmas Dinner eCard

Christmas Dinner

This really funny ecard is about a family settling down to a Christmas dinner,…

8 votes
Xmas Nativity eCard

Xmas Nativity

This Christmas e-card has a religious nativity angle. It starts off with a…

109 votes
Christmas Revenge eCard

Christmas Revenge

In this brilliant Christmas e-card Rudolf is sitting smugly in his chair reading…

62 votes
Happy Baaaaathday eCard

Happy Baaaaathday

This Birthday eCard starts off with a stage lit by two spotlights and a sheep…

1339 votes
Birthday Frog Song eCard

Birthday Frog Song

This is a fun birthday e card. It starts off with a pond and the reads are…

545 votes
Ice Skating Penguin eCard

Ice Skating Penguin

This eCard shows a scarf wearing Penguin, skatig over an ice lake. There are…

3 votes
Christmas Click eCard

Christmas Click

This is a really fun ineteractive christmas e-card. As the user clicks arroung…

213 votes
Beautiful Xmas Scene eCard

Beautiful Xmas Scene

This Christmas e-card is a very nice gentle one. It starts off with a picturesque…

376 votes
Warm Birthday Wishes eCard

Warm Birthday Wishes

This is a very relaxing eCard in which a butterfly flutters it's way across…

17 votes
Snail New Home  eCard

Snail New Home

In this funny good luck eCard, a snail is hanging around in the garden when…

173 votes
Drunk Santa eCard

Drunk Santa

This is a funny Christmas ecard in which the camera begins beside Rudolf. He…

185 votes

Daisy Redfern Sent Children’s Day

20 days ago

Brenda and Hyman Shinett Sent Shanah Tovah!

24 days ago

Lisa Leverton Sent Shanah Tovah!

24 days ago

Dennis Dell Sent Shanah Tovah!

24 days ago

Joy Swanwick Sent Shanah Tovah!

25 days ago

‘Other Days’ is our wacky section that holds all of our eCards for those other special events that happen all year round. Whether it’s Halloween, April Fools, or Hannukah, there are plenty of eCards for you to choose from. We’ve also got eCards for the American Thanks Giving event, Holi eCards for the Hindu Spring festival and some eCards for the Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur. eCards.co.uk has thousands of brilliant eCards which you can send to your friends, absolutely free, via email, Facebook or Twitter. Send them instantly or specify a future date for them to be sent from. With modern technology, you can send one to a friend or family member across the world and they will be able to see it on their mobile phone!