Go Wild eCard

Go Wild

This small animaton of a hamster thats wants to go wild tonight, perfect all…

Dinner Party Invitation eCard

Dinner Party Invitation

This animated card is a nice friendly way of asking someone to dinner or secretly…

Go 4 Beer eCard

Go 4 Beer

This is an audio card, want to give your mates a swig or something to laugh…

Saucy Invite eCard

Saucy Invite

This card can either be interpreted as a saucy invitation or as a funny way…


Nick Campanile Sent Boys Night Out

24 days ago

Hina Khan Sent Girls Night Out

25 days ago

Walter Pincé Sent Dinner Invite

25 minutes ago

Walter Pincé Sent Dinner Invite

28 minutes ago

Walter Pincé Sent Dinner Invite

42 minutes ago

If you’re planning on throwing a party soon, send your invitations out, for free, via BirthdayeCards.com! People often judge a party by its invitation, so get the fun rolling right from the start with our quirky invitational eCards and let people know that your party is not one to be missed! The invitation eCards we have in this category feature some really cool designs and are not just made for parties, you can send an invitational e-card for nearly any occasion! We’ve got Birthday invitations, invitations to ask your friends out for a drink, and even simple one’s such as lunch invites. Here at eCards.co.uk, we have thousands of fun eCards which you can send to your friends and family for no cost at all. You can send them via email, Facebook or Twitter at just the click of a button. They can be sent instantly or from a specified date which you can choose from.