Scrabble... eCard


The e-cards starts off with a very posh looking old lady with teachers glasses…

34 votes
Lazy Penguin eCard

Lazy Penguin

This e-card starts of with two penguins sitting on an iceberg and two sharks…

43 votes
Hole in the market  eCard

Hole in the market…

This eCard begins with a sign shaped like a dildo, on top of a building saying…

10 votes
Field work eCard

Field work

This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a scientist professor working…

8 votes
Give it to me straight eCard

Give it to me straight

This is a funny joke e card that begins with an alcoholic shaking, standing…

21 votes
Hard Hat eCard

Hard Hat

This is a funny joke ecard that starts off with a builder standing on a construction…

6 votes

Angela Bake Sent Open Season

25 days ago

Vicki Donlevy Sent Scrabble...

25 days ago

Vicki Donlevy Sent Scrabble...

25 days ago

Ja Underscore Sent Sperm (rude)

25 days ago

Ron Carter Sent Sperm (rude)

26 days ago

These joke ecards are my favorites - they are all a bit rude and silly but they are not offensive. Just a bit of fun to send to friends and family. All the e-cards are 100% free and you can share them to your facebook timeline so all your friends can share the joke together. Perfect for a bit of Friday fun in the office!