Pisces Girl Facts eCard

Pisces Girl Facts

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the pisces and then…

1 votes
Love You Leo Girl eCard

Love You Leo Girl

This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…

1 votes
Aquarius Boy eCard

Aquarius Boy

This card decribes the aquarius star sign. each description of the star sign…

1 votes
Virgo Girl Facts eCard

Virgo Girl Facts

This eCard starts with three facts about the Virgo star sign, this card has…

Virgo Boy eCard

Virgo Boy

This eCard starts with three facts about the Virgo star sign, this card has…

Taurus Boy eCard

Taurus Boy

This small eCard gives three facts about the Taurus starsign and then covers…

Taurus Girl eCard

Taurus Girl

This small eCard gives three facts about the Taurus starsign and then covers…

Scorpio Girl Facts eCard

Scorpio Girl Facts

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the Scorpio star sign…

Scorpio Boy Facts eCard

Scorpio Boy Facts

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the Scorpio star sign…

Sagittarius Girl Facts eCard

Sagittarius Girl Facts

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the sagittarius star…

Sagittarius Boy eCard

Sagittarius Boy

This small eCard animation starts with three facts about the Sagittarius star…

Pisces Boy eCard

Pisces Boy

This small eCard animation starts off with three facts about the pisces and…

Libra Girl eCard

Libra Girl

This eCard is all about the libra star sign, three fact pop up in text at the…

Libra Boy eCard

Libra Boy

This eCard is all about the libra star sign, three fact pop up in text at the…

Love You Leo Boy eCard

Love You Leo Boy

This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…

Aquarius Girl eCard

Aquarius Girl

This card decribes the aquarius star sign each description pop up one by one…

Aries Boy eCard

Aries Boy

This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…

Aries Girl Facts eCard

Aries Girl Facts

This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…

Cancer Girl Facts eCard

Cancer Girl Facts

This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pop up one by one…

Cancer Boy eCard

Cancer Boy

This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pop up one by one…

Capricorn Boy Facts eCard

Capricorn Boy Facts

This card is perfect for the girl asking out a male capricorn, this card also…


Christine Bunn Sent Taurus Boy

6 days ago

Lilian Boaz Sent Taurus Boy

23 days ago

Faiza Asghar Sent Love you Libra Girl

23 days ago

Junk Ex-colleague Sent Taurus Boy

12 minutes ago

Deborah Pratt Sent Love You Capricorn Boy

27 days ago

All these romantic ecards are have an astrological influence and are different ways of saying I love you to different people based on gender and which star sign they are. There are loads of cards and they are all quite similarly themed so have a look and send one today. Remember they are all free and always will be, you can also post these cards directly to your friends facebook.