September 1989 eCard

September 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in September…

0 votes
October 1989 eCard

October 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in October…

0 votes
November 1989 eCard

November 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in November…

0 votes
May 1989 eCard

May 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in May…

0 votes
June 1989 eCard

June 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in June…

0 votes
July 1989 eCard

July 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in July…

0 votes
December 1989 eCard

December 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in December…

0 votes
August 1989 eCard

August 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in August…

0 votes
April 1989 eCard

April 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in April…

0 votes
March 1989 eCard

March 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in March…

0 votes
February 1989 eCard

February 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in Febuary…

0 votes
January 1989 eCard

January 1989

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in January…

0 votes

Dedicated 1 & 2 Sent June 1989

19 days ago

David Goulding-Huckle Sent August 1989

13 days ago

David Goulding-Huckle Sent August 1989

13 days ago

David Weir Sent August 1989

10 days ago

Andrew Chadney Sent August 1989

27 days ago

This range has a great selection of ecards for people born in the year 1989, with all the months and any historical events that took place in that year featured in the ecards. We have tonnes of great Birthday ecards that are free for you to send to all your friends and family members, all here at! With such a wide range of differently styled Birthday e-cards, you’ll be sure to find the right one to send. If your recipient enjoys a certain sport, type of music or just likes the odd pint, we’re sure to have the right eCard here for you to send. You can even set a date in the future for which the free ecard will be sent from, so there is no need to miss anyone’s birthdays. If you are a forgetful person however, you can still send an ecard on the day of their birthday and it’ll be with them instantly, via email, Facebook or Twitter. If you’re a really forgetful person, send an e-card to say you are sorry. They can receive it where ever they are in the world!