Cancer Girl eCard

Cancer Girl

This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pops up one by one…

Capricorn Boy eCard

Capricorn Boy

This card gives a description of the capricorn star sign, each description…

Gemini Boy eCard

Gemini Boy

This eCard gives three facts about the gemini star sign but at the same time…


Mike Edwards Sent Aries Girl

30 days ago

Mike Edwards Sent Aries Girl

30 days ago

Mike Edwards Sent Aries Girl

30 days ago

Chris Russell Sent Pisces Girl

12 days ago

S Saxena Sent Pisces Girl

15 days ago

Send birthday e-cards based on the recipients astrological zodiac sign. We have loads of ecards to choose from and they are all free. You can even post these astrologcal e cards to a facebook timeline.